Friday, September 11, 2009

A new beginning

It was suggested to me years ago that if I wanted to write a book, I should keep a diary. That worked for, say, a week but then I would forget to carry around the little spiral journal with red tulips on the cover and wound up journaling on the back of junk mail and envelopes and anything I'd forgotten to take out of my purse. After a while my collective diary looked a lot like my life. Scraps of well intentioned words.

Today is a new beginning. I have a blog. A public forum for an audience of one. But hey, I'm doing it. I'm writing. An author at last. And I'd like to say this to my imaginary can do it too! Whatever it is you're dreaming of, pick up the pen or the guitar or the paint brush and make your best effort. It doesn't have to be big and there's no grand prize at stake. Here's the best part of all - you can't fail. You can choose to do something that doesn't work but oh well. Choose again. Infinite possiblities await and a broken dream inherently contains shards of new possibilities. So let's get on with it, you and I. Like Glenda the Good Witch said to Dorothy..."you've had it all along."

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I like what you have to say. Truly an inspiration! Good luck with your blog.

